Many teachers have sat on training courses wondering, just how, they will bring this new found learning to their classrooms.
Computing Reddy understands.
We know software isn't always affordable.
We know equipment may not allow teachers to implement new found knowledge.
We know... because we have been there!
Computing Coordinators are tasked with a challenging role. Supporting peers with subject knowledge and understanding of computational thinking, is not easy.
We work with all staff and resources, within schools, to secure subject knowledge and skills, which really CAN be implemented.
Computing Reddy strongly believes in personalisation for it's schools. We understand every school is unique.
As a result, schemes of work are created based on the equipment, software and budget of individual schools.
The modules of study have been planned carefully by specialist qualified teachers to meet curriculum objectives; they remain challenging and give children the essential skills to use technology across the curriculum and at home.
The scheme provides a balanced computing curriculum, focusing on Digital Literacy, Computer Science, and Information Technology.
In strong partnership with schools, Computing Reddy will map out the curriculum with a long-term view of having a positive impact on the lives of the children.