Computing Reddy aims to positively enhance young people’s learning, through technology.
We believe in fostering essentials skills that prepare young people to be the future of the digital world in which they live.
We nurture critical thinking skills such as problem-solving and collaboration, enabling ALL students to achieve their potential.
Why Computing Reddy?
We will:
help teachers feel confident about delivering the computing curriculum, using the school's existing resources;
teach lessons independently or collaboratively, to further staff knowledge and skills.
challenge young people to think computationally (break problems into small steps to execute a solution);
run half/ full day workshops with industry professionals to help raise aspirations;
save school money on prescription platforms, whilst developing a meaningful, whole school curriculum;​​


Feel confident delivering your curriculum.
Challenge young people to think computationally.
Save money and develop a meaningful curriculum.
Raise aspirations through industry professionals
Develop staff knowledge and skills